Category Archives: Blogging

Business Owner With A Blog? Use This Free Tool To Tap Into Your Customers’ Questions

If you are a small business owner, you have probably realized how important your blog is for sharing information, educating and connecting with your clients and customers. Without directly asking though, it can be difficult to know the questions that they have or what information they might find useful.

Until now.

Recently I stumbled across a great, free resource to help bloggers and video creators focus in on exactly what their clients and potential clients are asking about. It is called Answer The Public. When you type a keyword into, it returns the questions that people have been asking relating to that topic.

How To Use Answer The Public

For instance, if you are a pool cleaner, you can type in pool cleaning into the search bar and choose what country you are in. When I did that search for a person located in the US, this is what was returned.

how to get ideas for blogging for business owners

I love this visual, but if you would like something easier to read, you can also select the “data” tab and it will display these questions in row format.

By seeing what people are asking,  you can easily construct blog posts that will immediately resonate with them, while positioning yourself as the expert that you are.

Getting Even More Milage from Answer the Public

In addition to writing articles, you can also use this information to create videos or brand yourself even further by compiling the answers into a book that you can leave as a “book business card” for your clients and potential clients, or even sell to the public.