The Concept

In this competitive economy, you need to stand out in your field. By becoming a cited expert in the major media you will be able to leverage this authority and stand out from the crowd. This will help you obtain more clients or customers, speaking or writing gigs and more opportunities.

Being cited by trusted news networks  helps you build trust as well. With a Press Release  you will be quoted in the media and then linked back to your site. You will become a quoted expert in the major media and you will be seen as the expert in your field. This will help you and your business will get exposure and become the ‘go to’ person in your field.

The Benefits of Press Releases

  • Huge Viewership. Press Releases provide huge publicity for businesses and showcase their services to a large audience.
  • Increased Visibility and Trust. The more people read about you and your services, the more they come to know and trust you.
  • Showcase Something New. In a Press Release you can talk about a new service, discount or product. This will provide more information and value, while increasing your visibility.
  • Cost Effective. Press Releases are effective and much cheaper than other means of paid advertising.
  • Viral Impact. Due to the distribution of Press Releases to hundreds of news sites, they often go viral. This makes Press Releases even more cost effective.

How much would it be worth to you as an author, speaker, small business owner or other professional, to get this type of exposure? Contact me to get started today.